Receptions & Parties!

                                               (what happens here... stays here)

Your Guest Request List

This is the area where you can view the songs which the guests are
making through the Guest Requests area of the website. It appears as
a separate list to your entertainer and will be carefully screened for
appropriateness and will not be played if you have specifically listed
them as "Do Not Play" in your Music Requests Area.

Click Here To Login To The Client Area

Reahearsal Dinners Pop Up

We offer several options for rehearsal dinners. If you are having your
rehearsal dinner at a restaurant, a hotel or an event center in an exotic
location, we can provide the perfect atmosphere with the background
music of your choosing.

From the high quality sound systems with wireless microphones,
perfect for toasts, we also can provide all of the audio-visual elements
which can set the stage for video, slide shows and many other creative
ideas. All of the options come complete with a technician who will
ensure everything will be exactly as planned. Click the link below to
get an instant, no-obligation quote for our Rehearsal Dinner Services.

Wedding Fair Specials Pop Up

This is the season of love and if you were able to make it to the bridal
shows you may have picked up some literature when you visited our
booth. To take advantage of the great specials, click the link below to
get an instant, no-obligation quote. Feel free to browse our music and
learn about the different entertainment options but be sure to come
back here to take advantage of the great specials!

Click Here For A Quote!